In our third week of the enlightening 8-week series exploring Stephen Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” we delved deep into the second habit: ‘Begin with the End in Mind’. This session was graced by the insightful contributions of Edesiri, a psychologist and community development advocate, who brought a unique perspective on envisioning our ultimate goals and recognizing what lies at the center of our lives.
Leadership vs. Management
A pivotal distinction highlighted in this week’s discussion was between leadership and management. Leadership involves setting the right direction and ensuring we’re headed toward the right ‘jungle,’ while management focuses on efficiency within the chosen path. This analogy served as a powerful reminder of the importance of aligning our daily actions with our broader life goals.
Another Visualization Exercise
An exercise from Covey’s book, urges us to visualize attending our own funeral. This potent imagery forces us to reflect on how we wish to be remembered, which in turn, clarifies our values and aspirations. Such visualization exercises not only help in defining our personal mission but also in rescripting our lives towards those ends. So the big question is, “When you die, what would you like your family, friends and colleagues to say about you?”
According to the author, the most effective way to begin with the end in mind is to develop a personal mission statement. This concept was discussed as a tool for encapsulating our values and goals. These statements act as a guiding constitution, providing clarity and direction in our decision-making processes. Emphasis was laid on the importance of these statements being personal, positive, present tense, visual, and emotional, to truly resonate and drive our actions.
Centers of Our Lives

A significant part of the discussion revolved around what lies at the center of our lives and how. ‘Security, Guidance, Wisdom and Power are the four life-support that create the force of a noble personality. Various centers, such as family, work, money, and self, can drive our decisions and behaviors. However, Covey advocates for a principle-centered approach, where our actions are guided by timeless and universal principles. This approach ensures a balanced development of security, guidance, wisdom, and power, leading to a more effective and fulfilling life.
Application Suggestions
As we concluded the session, practical suggestions were provided to incorporate the discussed habit into our lives. Participants were encouraged to take time to reflect and write down their personal mission statements, considering what truly matters to them. The exercise of visualizing one’s funeral was recommended as a starting point for this reflective process.

In summary, Habit 2 encourages us to reflect deeply on our personal values and life’s purpose, ensuring that our day-to-day actions are in harmony with our aspirations. It’s about living a purpose-driven life, not the default life, and taking responsibility for shaping your own destiny.
Watch the Replay here:
We look forward to next week’s discussion on Habit 3, where we will explore putting first things first, further building on the foundation laid by the first two habits. Join us next weekend and be part of this transformative journey.
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